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6:52 PM Md. Rubel Sikder 0 Comments

THE DAILY AL BILAD (Jeddah) September 17, 1971

It is a great honour for Pakistan that of all the countries Mujibur Rahman’s secessionists contacted Israel for assistance. The party who does not find help but from sources like Israel,, is well-known throughout the world that it is a tail to the colonization and racialism. It is a party whose endeavor has failed and whose merchandise remained unused, and its wind will blow out shortly because bankruptcy in the beginning results necessarily to bankruptcy at the end. I hesitated much before commenting on news reports, received yesterday, about the arrival of an envoy of the secessionists of Mujibur Rahman in Israel to seek assistance from the Israelis the enemies of humanity, Arabs and Islam. But the fact that the envoy held a press conference in Jerusalem along with Mardakhay Shnorson and Saul Karif from Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has removed every doubt from my mind, and ascertained this tragedy.

The Israeli authorities not only received Mahmoud Qassim, the representative of Bangla Desh, but also invited him to revisit Israel whenever possible. In the meantime they have promised to help him, the fact which let him declare to the representatives of the press that what he has seen and heard from the Israelis was -over his imagination. The Arabs, from the very beginning, aligned themselves against the secessionists as if they were aware through the sixth sense that the one who is dishonest to the Unity  unity of his nation will certainly contact Israeli or similar other parties one day. It is useless to report to the readers what this erring secessionist said about the benefits of cooperation with Israel, and that that the religion according to his knowledge, should not interfere with policy and consequently it should not interfere with policy to such cooperation. And if enemies seek help from Israel for causing harm to Pakistan, then it is a badge of honour which encircles the chest of this huge Muslim country which has never abandoned any of the Arabs’ cases and which showed excellent position towards the Palestine case without caring for threats or pressures.
We, the Arabs, are indebted to Pakistan for extending permanent moral support even at a time when its relations with some of the Arab states were not on an even keel. This support enraged Israel against Pakistan and its Muslim people, and for this reason Israel is sympathetic to the secessionists. Now Israel has made an effort to repay in the same coins, but Pakistan, which could not be prevented from supporting the Arabs even by forces bigger than Israel, will not pay any attention to the Israel’s promised assistance to the secessionists. This is a move aimed at splitting the Muslims but it will not serve the secessionists, the enemies of the Umma. The so- called Mahmoud Qassim lived in Teheran for the last fifteen years, after which period the Iranian Government expelled him. He then left for Geneva, where, undoubtedly, the Israeli intelligence got in touch with him and arranged for his journey to Tel Aviv. Perhaps this adventurer, it will be discovered, is representing only himself, but even in this case our opinion about the secessionists will not change : that they are the people who are harming themselves before doing any harm to Pakistan.