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4:12 PM Md. Rubel Sikder 0 Comments

Since 1951 Pakistan has been a major recipient of U.S. economic aid amounting to approximately 3 billion by 1969. Except for food aid donated under Public Law 480, the bulk of this assistance has been used to support industrialization in West Pakistan, with only a handful of projects undertaken in East Pakistan.

The quantum of U.S. military aid to Pakistan is a classi­fied figure but two estimates put it between $ 1.5 to $ 2 billion for the period between 1954 and 1965. The assistance has included F-104 Star fighters, Patton tanks, armored personnel carriers, automatic and recoilless infantry weapons. This impressive array of modern weaponry was given expressly for defensive purposes. With Pakistan an early member of SEATO and CENTO this military aid was intended to bolster the armed containment of the Communist Block in the Dulles era of U.S. foreign policy but apart from the brief border war with India of 1965 the only active use of these sophisticated weapons has occurred against the unarmed and defenseless civilians of East Pakistan.

The growth and maintenance of the superstructure of the armed forces which was built up with massive U.S. military aid continued even after 1965 when the United States decided to put an embargo on the delivery of arms to both Pakistan and India. This was made possible by diverting resources from the much-needed development projects. East Pakistan,,

Poorer and loss powerful politically than the West, suffered? More by this irrational policy.

Surprisingly, the United States has just recently (October 1970) made an exception to its embargo on military sales to Pakistan. According to the information available, the United States has offered to supply Pakistan the following items:

(a)           Armored personnel carriers (approx. 300)

(b)           Maritime reconnaissance Aircraft (4)

(c)            F-104 Jet fighters (6)

(d)           B-57 bombers (7).

Fortunately, no sales or deliveries have yet been made. It: is not too late to rescind the offer, a move that would be of practical as well as symbolic value.