Population: 5,57,000,000 Voluntary Military Service Total armed forces: 980,000. Estimated G.N.P. 1970: US $49,000 million. Defence Budget 1971-72: 12,420 mil¬lion rupee ($1656 million) (7.5 rupee=$l)
Army: 860,000
(cc) armoured division
(dd) independent armoured
13 infantry Division 10 mountain Division
1.0 independent Infantry Brigades
2 parachute brigades About 20 AA artillery
Tanks: 200 Centurian
MK5|2, 250 Sherman, 450
T-54 and T-55, 300 Vijay¬anta Medium-150PT-76, 100 Amx-13, Light-CT 62, MK 2|4.
Artillery: about 3000
pieces, mostly 25 Pounders but including about 250
100-MM and 140 130-MM. Guns : SS-11, Entac ATGW
Navy: 40,000
1 16000 ton Aircraft carrier
4 submarines (Ex-Soviet
P. Class)
2 cruisers
3 destroyers
PAKISTAN Population: 1,26,300,000 two years selective military service. Total armed forces r
3.92.0. Estimated GNP 1970: U.S. $38,400 million. Defence Budget 1971-72: 3,400 million rupees ($•
714.0. 000) (4.76 rupee=$l)
Army: 365,000 (including
25,0 Azad Kashmir troops)
2 armoured Division, 1 in¬dependent armoured bri¬gades, 12 infantry division (2 more being raised)
1 Air defence brigade. Tanks: 100 M-47, 100 T-54, 225-T59 ; 100M-48 Medium: 200 M-24, 75
M-41, 20 PT-76 Light: 300 M-113.
Artillery : about 900 pieces 25, Pounders, 105 MM. 155 MM howitzers: 200 130-MM. Cobra ATGW Helicopters : 20 H-13
Navy :10,000
4 Submarines
1 light cruiser (training ship)
2 destroyers
3 destroyer escorters
9 destroyer escorts (in¬cluding 5 Ex-Soviet Petya •class)
(ee) General purpose frigate '5 anti-submarine frigates
1.1 anti-aircraft frigates -4 coastal mine sweepers
5 landing ship
6 landing crafts
10 patrol boats (4 less than 100 tons)
9 seaward defence boats (6 less than 100 tons).
The Naval airforce includ¬ing 35 Sea-Hawks attack aircraft, 12 Alize maritime patrolers, 2 Sea King and 10 Alouette III helicopters, 10 Sea Hawks, 4 Alizes and "2 Alouettes can be carried on the aircraft carrier at any one time.
Airforce : 80,000 ; 615 com¬bat aircraft
7 light bomber 'squadrons (Canberra B(l)
3.92.1. fighter bomber squadrons <SU-7)
"2 fighter bomber squadron (Mystre-IV)
714.1. Interceptor squadrons
<Mig 21)
714.2. interceptor squadrons (Gnat)
25,1 reconnaissance squadron (Canberra PR-57).
3 Maritime reconnais¬sance squadron (L-1049 super ' constellation (A combat squadron—8 to 25
Transport: include about
4 fast frigates
8 patrol boats 8 coastal mine sweepers
25,2 small patrol boats (less than 100 tons)
(ff) UH-19 air-sea rescue helicopters.
Airforce 17000 ; 285 com¬bat aircraft
2 light bomber squadron (11=28)
3 light bomber squadrons (B-57B)
4 fighter bomber squadrons (Mirage III E)
8 fighter bomber and inter¬ceptor squadrons (F-86)
1.2 Interceptor squadrons
1 Interceptor squadron
1 Reconnaissance squadron (4 RT-33A) and 2 RB-57). (A combat squadron gene- rally=16 aircraft)
Transport: include 8C-
130B and 1F-27 Helicopters:
55 C-47, 60 C-119, 20 11-14, 30 AN-12, 25 other, 12 HS-748, and 15 Cariban Helicopters : include about 80 Ml-4, 150 Allouette III, 10 Bell-47 and a few Ml-8 About 50 SA-2, SAM Com¬plexes, Paramilitary forces: about 1,00,000 in Border Security Forces.
40 Sioux, Huskie and MI-8'.
Paramilitary force : 2,80,000 ^
(gg) frontier corps,
1.3 Militia, a new force is being raised: The- East Pakistan Civil Armed Force.
SOURCE : The Military Balance 1971-72. Published by the- International Institute of Strategic Studies, London.
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