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3:45 PM Md. Rubel Sikder 0 Comments

The Pakistan Eastern Command agree to surrender all Pakistan Armed Forces in Bangla Desh to Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Indian and Bangla Desh forces in the Eastern Theatre. This surrender includes all Pakistan land, air and naval forces as also all para-military forces and civil armed forces. These forces will lay down their arms and surrender at the places where they are currently located to the nearest regular troops under the command of Lieutenant-General    Jagit Singh.Aurora.

The Pakistan Eastern Command shall come under the orders of Lieutenant-General    Jagjit    Singh    Aurora as soon as this instrument has been signed. Disobedience of orders will be regarded as a breach of the surrender terms and will be dealt with in accordance with the accepted laws and usages of war. The decision of Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora will be    final,    should    any doubt
arise as to the meaning or interpretation of the surrender terms.
Lieutenant-General Jagjit    Singh    Aurora    gives a solemn assurance that personnel who surrender shall be treated with dignity and respect that soldiers are entitled to in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Convention and guarantees the safety and well-being of all Pakis¬tan military and para-military forces who surrender. Protection will be provided to foreign nationals, ethnic minorities and personnel of West Pakistan origin by the forces under the command of Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora,

  1. Sd/-
(Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi) Lieutenant-General Martial Law Administrator Zone ‘B’ and Commander Eastern Command (Pakistan)
16 December, 1971.

(Jagjit Singh Aurora) Lieutenant-General General Officer Command¬ing in Chief, Indian and Bangla Desh Forces in the Eastern Theatre.
16 December, 1971.